
Classical Yoga & Nature Experiences

Trained and certified Yoga teacher according to the Yoga lineage of Shri Yogendra (The Yoga Institute in Mumbai, India).

Trained and certified nature pedagogue by the Nature School Germany e.V. (Naturschule Deutschland e.V.) – Institute for Nature and Education.

Languages: English and German

Yoga DharmA

“योग चित्तवृत्ति – Yoga is the cessation of the mental activities.” – Patanjali


Classical Yoga and Nature

I am a trained Yoga teacher according to the Yoga tradition of Shri Yogendra. Shri Yogendra’s Yoga tradition is based on Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras. This Yoga is also called Ashtanga Yoga, the eight-limbed path of Yoga. In this tradition, the asanas or postures have a subordinate role. The core of this Yoga path is meditation. In this tradition, the physical exercises serve as preparation for meditation. Other important links are breathing exercises, relaxation and spiritual philosophy. As a nature pedagogue I would like to use the power of nature to combine Yoga and nature experiences.

The founder of this Yoga tradition was Shri Yogendra from Mumbai in India. He was initiated into classical Yoga by his teacher Paramahamsa Madavdasji. Shri Yogendra founded The Yogainstitute in Mumbai on November 25, 1918. Thus, the Yoga tradition was passed on by Shri Yogendra to his disciple Gerhard Unger (Center for Classical Yoga, Nuremberg – Germany), who in turn took Reinhold Griesch (Institute for classical Yoga, Nuremberg) as his disciple. Reinhold Griesch initiated me into classical Yoga. This way the tradition could be passed on unbroken, so that we can teach classical Yoga here in the West as well.

At the moment I offer Yoga events and classes at the Institute for Classical Yoga in Nuremberg, Germany. From spring to end of summer there is the possibility to practice Yoga outdoors as well as in nature.

Furthermore, as a nature enthusiasts and nature pedagogue, I offer various nature experiences throughout the year.

tradition – lineage

Paramahamsa Madhavadasji

Shri Yogendra

Gerhard Unger

Reinhold Griesch

Here you can find my classes, nature experiences, retreats & events